A child with autism are known to have a way of thinking and behavior are different. Even normally, because of strange behavior that tends, not infrequently autistic children would be separated from its environment.

A robotics research lab at the University of Southern California, United States, now has to made robots that can serve as a means of communication with autistic children. Robot that is designed specifically for children with autism is named bandit.
Maja Mataric, deputy director of the robotics lab said that autistic children tend to respond well to the robot. It is very rare that they show when they interact with the public.
To ABCNews.com, Mataric said that it had carried out tests on the robot for children with autism. From the results of earlier studies, found that autistic children to interact quite well with the human-shaped robot. They even play with the robot, imitate behavior, and show empathy.
Therefore, it was eager to continue the research. The result, now that they're able to create a software that can analyze the response of children with autism, whether they're interacting with happy or not.
Bandit has a shape that is almost similar to humans. There eyebrows and mouth that can move. In addition there is also a motion sensor which allows it to move forward or backward.
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